Monday, June 18, 2012

Gassed By Our Own Government

What would you say if you found out that automobile companies in this country are manufacturing cars that get DOUBLE the gas mileage of any found in the showrooms of American dealerships?  And what would you think if you suddenly realized that these gas-saving vehicles are being shipped and sold to other countries, while being prohibited from sale here in the good old U.S. of A?  And would it be a huge surprise that your own government and a “green” president are the primary “actors” in this political and economic travesty, and not only the greedy oil industry?

This week I got an e-mail with a link to a “You Tube” video (see end of post), that debunks the notion that our government really gives one shit about making the environment cleaner, or reducing our fossil fuel dependence on those abroad who hate our guts.  Visiting in Europe, the man who posted the video found that he was getting over fifty miles per gallon from the Volkswagen Station Wagon he had rented, and in which he and three others were traveling fully packed.  The car’s engine was designed with something called “Blue Motion TDI” technology, and on the Volkswagen UK website, it lists this car as actually getting 72 miles per gallon on the highway, with an average of 69 mpg when factoring in urban driving, as well.

So what’s going on?  Before you think that Europe has smarter car companies than us, consider this.  These fuel efficient cars ARE presently being manufactured here in the United States and being exported to other countries.  And the bottom line as to why Americans are not allowed to buy them, (quoting the video), is “because of economic reasons.”  Here’s a short version of the ugly equation that explains the whole rip-off:  Such fuel efficient cars = less gas purchased = less revenue from gas taxes that the government rakes in to maintain roads and highways.

In short, then, the whole issue of our country becoming “greener” is being driven by something else that’s green… MONEY!  And the feigned concern about the environment by our political leaders, and their self-serving “efforts” to reduce our debilitating dependence on fossil fuel, end up being nothing more than the unadulterated fecal deposits of male cows.

I encourage you to view this informative video for yourself.  I did the research, and the mileage facts the man used are absolutely TRUE.  Once you’ve heard his story, then, if the wave of betrayal that washes over you is not too strong, decide what you can do to make things better… and I don’t mean moving to Europe.  At least share the information with someone else who cares.  And though replacing politicians is usually like adding insult to injury, the upcoming election offers us a small chance to begin the process of getting our country‘s house in order.  No matter your political affiliation, consider throwing out the political “gas bags” that strive mostly to stay in power, and do little to move this country forward on behalf of its citizens.

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To view the video, copy and paste this address into your browser:

1 comment:

Betty said...

I'm flabbergasted!