Monday, June 10, 2013

The Death Rattles of Paisano’s Prattles

This post is my one hundredth since I began blogging.  And in July, I will have toiled at this keyboard for 1,095 long days… though not in a row.  Frankly, these statistics astound me.  Who would have ever thought I’d endure that long?  Certainly not me.

My first post said it all.  (Link: )  I am basically a flake when it comes to projects like this, and less faithful to such commitments than Bill was to Hillary in a matrimonial sense.  But I plodded forward, anyway, hoping these character flaws were recessive.  With each new post I tried to improve my writing style, while proving I could stick to something difficult, long enough for someone to notice it was gone once I finally pulled the plug.

Well, guess what?  First of all, my writing style hasn’t noticeably improved.  I’m still long-winded, and verbose to a fault.  Quoting a college writing professor, I never fail to, “… use big words where simpler ones will do.”  As far as being missed when I’m gone, were I to exit the blogosphere today, my apologies need extend to only a faithful few, that when counted on two hands number less than the ever stiffening digits used to make the tally.

Beyond that, I take issue with Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s line,  “The pen is mightier than the sword.”  Not one thing I’ve written on substantive matters, has generated noticeable discussion.  This can only mean two things:  Either I’m preaching to the choir, or as a “sword,” this blog has no cutting edge.  And if I decided to commit suicide in a fit of despair, I’d have better luck impaling myself on the pen.

What I’m saying is simple.  The time is drawing very near where I feel it appropriate to draw the curtains on this endeavor, and gracefully exit stage left.  When I do, I will have no regrets that my time has been wasted.  After all, think of all the hours I consumed writing, that might have been less productive carousing with those hussies at the Senior Citizen Home.  And think of all the angst I shed and the high blood pressure medicine I saved, ranting about the idiotic things around me that pissed me off.

Is it because I’ve run out of things about which to prattle?  Absolutely not.  What I’ve run out of is enthusiasm.  It’s the old, “been there, done that” attitude that inevitably seems to creep in and move me on to something new.  It’s the sad hallmark of someone whose resume of life accomplishments, is far wider than it is deep.  But, as Popeye always said, “I yam who I yam.”  And after seven-plus decades, it’s kind of hard to change now.

To new readers of this blog, I suggest you go back through my posts and see what’s been on my mind over time, that is, if you’re remotely interested.  And were you to move your computer into the bathroom, please understand there’s enough prattling to keep you busy through an extended bout of acute constipation.  

To my small band of “regulars,” don’t bury me yet.  I’m sure I’ll have more to say, but just not on a regular basis.  My suggestion to you is this.  Consider signing up for an e-mail subscription (“Follow by E-Mail” box just under the last post on page one).  It will save you time checking in to see if I’ve written anything new.  Whenever I do, you’ll be notified electronically.  Isn’t some technology wonderful…?

Peace, Friends !!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Congrats on your 100th blog! May you live to this age with all your senior self, intact as you are now. Your prattling is always funny, or interesting or spot on truthful. You are a wise old man...this coming from a wise old lady!