Saturday, November 17, 2012

Inside A Special Ops Mission

Few have had the occasion to be privy to the blow-by-blow account of a covert Special Operations Mission in progress.  The last famous one was the takedown of Osama Bin Laden (see Post #44, January 2012), but even then Americans had to wait until  the debriefing was done before any details were divulged.  Today I will share with you, the official transcripts of a past Special Ops mission in New Jersey. While it was undertaken in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, it was no less dangerous than the storming of Bin Laden’s compound earlier this year.

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Tim P said...

I assume the special ops team was PV and PV.
Wish I could have been there for the assault.

Paisano said...

Actually, the other PV had been wounded in a prior solo assault, so he hired a mercenary replacement named RK, who took his place on the team as HE observed from a safe distance!

Betty said...

No one, but you can write a story about killing bees, that was more interesting than the Bin Ladin Event! I guess I'm not the only one that has as problem letting critters rtoam free.....