Friday, August 31, 2012

Government Subsidized Porn In The Golden State

Over two years ago in July of 2010, I wrote a popular post titled, “Keep Your Fingers ‘Outa My Happy Meal.”  In it I related the decision of progressive California legislators to slim down all our chunky kids by legislating away the toys in their McDonald’s Happy Meals.  A liberal politician’s wet dream, the Happy Meal  decision was only one example of how the “Golden State” was fast becoming the “Nanny State.”  And were that not enough, another  recent northern California decision is adding the dubious distinction of us now becoming the “Ninny State,” as well.

It seems that in San Francisco, a growing number of visitors to the public library have been going there to surf for porn on the internet.  I guess it makes sense.  After all, with the state suffocating under a 16 BILLION dollar shortfall, it’s easy to understand that private citizens have had to cut back on their personal porn budgets in order to make ends meet.  And in California, (where you can turn to the government to get lots of stuff for free), looking at porn on taxpayer subsidized computers seems like the most natural thing to do.
Now, a reasonable person might think that the quickest solution to the library porn problem, is to simply block access to offending sites using available technology.  But remember… I’m talking about “progressive” California here, and whether something is reasonable or not usually has nothing to do with the decisions that are made.  That considered, library administrators initiated what was considered a “creative” solution that was fair to everyone.  They simply installed privacy screens around some of the computer monitors so that horny patrons could watch porn privately, out of the sight of innocent passers-by.

Speaking with a local television station, one of the librarians explained the decision this way:  “We’re always looking for any kind of elegant solution that strikes a balance between the right to privacy, and folks that want to use the library for any other intended purpose.” Now, to know why she called the solution “elegant,” one would most likely have to see the screens that were installed .  Perhaps they are beautifully painted with bucolic scenes of lusty bees pollinating seductive flowers, or decorated with industrial tableaus of oil derricks pumping rhythmically into deep well casings… who knows?  But elegant or not, being able to surf for porn on the public’s dime seems to be as obscene as what might be hidden behind those screens.

I mean, what will the San Francisco Library bureaucrats decide to allow next in their attempt to insure “free speech” for their more hormonal patrons?  How about hand lotion and boxes of Kleenex at each computer station under the guise of public health?  How about a rack of skin magazines to promote the cause of “reading?”  What about a few shelves of “Vivid Productions” hottest videos to encourage research on the craft of filmmaking?  And while kids can’t get toys in their Happy Meals at the local McDonalds, perhaps the library can start checking out sex toys to help their adult counterparts burn calories without having to go to the gym.

You see, as pathetic as it sounds, the political topography in California is strewn with SO many “slippery slopes,” just about anything is possible in the Golden State.  This time it just happens to be public libraries at the forefront of such progressive activism… that is, at least until they run out of tax dollars to buy more of those elegant privacy screens.

1 comment:

Betty said...

I thought I'd seen it all. That seems the worst possible senario is a privacy screens. As for elegant I would call it what it is, Porn Screens! If I can't get a happy meal with a toy for my grandchild, I certainly don't want the child to be entertained in the library by sound effects. Wake up CA & clean up your act!