Monday, December 24, 2012

Santa Can’t, So I Will !

Just a note to wish you all a very Merry Christmas.  And if you don’t happen to celebrate Christmas, best wishes, anyway, for a fantastic Tuesday, December 25.

When I wrote my letter to Santa this year, I told him there was only one thing I really wanted.  It was for him to do something extra special for those of you who faithfully read this blog.  Now, considering the sincerity of my request, and the fact that I’ve been a pretty good boy for over seven decades, I was taken by surprise when I received the following note:

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Dear Paisano, 
     Thank you for your letter.  It is always refreshing to receive mail that requests nothing for oneself, but for others, instead.  That being said, however, I regret to inform you that I cannot give presents to your readers because the request violates Section D, Subsection 3f, of the North Pole Ethics Code.   It states:  “Santa shall NOT, at the behest of a person or public enterprise, give presents to others which blatantly resemble patronage or outright bribery, and whose goal is to keep those recipients active and involved in said enterprise.”
     I’m sorry, then, but I won’t be able to fulfill your request. Good try, however!  Perhaps YOU can come up with something to wish your readers a Merry Christmas!  After all, as Mrs. Claus often says,  "A little something is better than nothing at all."

Best regards, Santa
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Here, then, is my musical contribution to your holiday season.  I arranged and recorded it last Christmas for a family friend who absolutely loves to dance.  So, click the link, HERE, and get up and start moving!!  “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.”  Peace,  love, and good health to you all in the New Year.


Anonymous said...

Love it!

Wanda said...

The intro is awesome! Made my feet dance!