Friday, February 22, 2013

To Immigration Reform Advocates: Fight Fairly !

As you’ve probably noticed, the President has finally dusted off “Comprehensive Immigration Reform,” and deshelved it as one of his second term legislative priorities.  Politically controversial, how successful his efforts will be is presently unclear.  Hopefully he’ll take the advice offered by my “kids” in a post on the same subject, (Sept. 2010).  Regardless, if he has any chance of real success in this quest, one thing is certain.  He must break clean from those sympathizers of a porous border who love to fight dirty, heralding as fact the myth that those of us calling for strict border enforcement are doing so simply because we’re bigots, racists, and outright Mexican haters.

Truth be told, it would be more productive if those who peddle this hateful drivel on a regular basis, stopped pretending they were so morally superior and culturally sensitive, then drop their broad, left-handed tar brushes and get real.  For in the end, such allegations and scurrilous generalizations are a really chicken shit way to move  immigration discussion forward.  And such unfair mischaracterizations, at least of former educators like myself, are a mile off when one dares look at the facts. 

I taught in the California public schools for almost four decades. During that time I watching as my roster climbed from thirty to almost ninety percent Hispanic surnames.  And while an interpreter was seldom needed in the old days, by the time I retired one was necessary at almost a third of my parent conferences.  And test scores (today’s sacred measuring stick of “success”), began to drop, as well.  After all, academic testing was done in English, which for too many of my kids was not their primary language.

But like all good teachers I adapted to the times.  Not once did  my concern for, or care of my Hispanic kids and their families waver.  Disinterested as to whether they were documented or not, I spent extra  hours of curriculum planning to insure I was not only giving these children everything possible to make them academically successful, but socially accepted, as well.  These same English language learners also received extra one-on-one instructional time during the day, inadvertently reducing my interaction time with their classmates who had fewer academic needs. 

Parents of language learners also got more of my time than their counterparts who spoke English.  Hoping that learning would not end with the dismissal bell, I conferenced and in-serviced Hispanic parents after school  and in the early evening, trying to teach them how to support their student’s learning at home.  Beyond that, I often bought learning supplies with my own money, and gave them to ESL kids to help with homework and outside study.  Does any of this sound like Mexican “hating” to you?

I could go on and on, but it would be like beating a dead piñata.  The truth remains, that the “racist” stigma being branded on the foreheads of secure border advocates by many progressives (who usually talk more than actually solve problems), is nothing more than nitrogenous waste.  And while it might enhance the growth rate of marigolds if spread in someone’s flower garden, flinging it indiscriminately over a dissenting group of sincere Americans serves to create not only a foul partisan odor, but heat rather than political light.  And that, Amigo, almost insures that no effective border solution will ever sprout and grow. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Minimum Payment, Maximum Pain !

If you have any friends or loved ones (especially those who are just beginning to tiptoe around that bog called “consumer credit”), duct tape them in front of the computer and force them to read this post until they can restate the concept back to you with their eyes closed.  You’ll be doing them a favor.

Imagine this!  As of January 2013, the average credit card debt held by only those American families that carry such debt, is $15,422.00 per household.  YIKES !!  Overall, Americans owe 858 BILLION dollars to credit card companies, not counting the additional fees that will surely accrue from blunders such as late payments.  And neither of these astounding figures includes other types of daunting debt, such as mortgages and/or student loans. 

The chart to which I added my red emphases (above), was included in my monthly American Express statement.  Why it was there would be conjecture, since I never thought of them as a good-hearted, consumer-compassionate corporation whose goal was to make less money.  No matter, what the chart displays is exactly what I remember nagging my girls about when they began getting their first credit card statements back-in-the-day.  And my abbreviated message now, as it was then, remains simple:  “Focusing on only the “minimum payment” figure of your credit card statement, will sooner or later get you in VERY BIG TROUBLE !”

So, if you have someone who needs some schooling on the evils of credit card mismanagement, provide them with the graphic proof.  Hopefully, a picture can be worth a thousand words.  But if the chart doesn’t happen to work, think of it this way.  Your only investment, other than emotionally, was the couple of yards of duct tape that bound them to the chair initially, plus the six inches more you’ll need later on to cover your mouth when you feel the urge to scream, “I TOLD YOU SO !!!”

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fortune Cookie Messages For Pessimists

Back in June of 2011, I wrote a piece about how most fortune cookie messages were little more than a mental massage after a good Oriental meal.  With times as difficult as they are, then, and with so many people negative about life in general, here are a few more I’ve altered by adding a short phrase (in blue), that seems to more honestly reflect the thoughts of those among us who are disgusted, a little grouchy, and definitely pessimistic about the times:

- Today is a lucky day for those who remain cheerful and optimistic, and those who aren't stuck having to be around them.

- You were born with the skill to communicate with people easily, especially those highly susceptible to believing bullshit.

- The first step to better times is to imagine them, then be honest enough to admit that mirages aren’t real.

- Your happiness is intertwined with your outlook on life, so let’s admit you’re pretty much screwed.

- The secret of getting ahead is getting started, then lying and cheating your way to the top.

- Don’t wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it… and drown like the dead weight you‘ve always been.

-  Accept something you can not change, and you will feel better… while it’s ruining your life.

- Make two grins grow where there was only a grouch before, and you’ll have a grouch that looks like a sideshow freak.

- You are talented in many ways… that have absolutely no impact on either reality, or the improvement of your life.

- Any rough times are behind you, as distinguished by the scars on your ass from all your bogus past efforts.

- You should be able to undertake and complete anything… that someone else started and made successful without you.

- There is yet time enough for you to take a different path, even though you’ll remain lost and ultimately die alone in the wilderness.

- An unexpected acquaintance will resurface, most likely because you didn’t bury him deep enough.

- The smart thing is to prepare for the unexpected… tragedy that always happens when things start going good.

- Decide what you want and go for it, with all the stealth, cunning, and dishonesty you can muster.

- If you continually give, you will continually have… little or nothing to show for it, plus the nickname, “Sucker.”

- Keep in close touch with what your competition is doing, then steal his best ideas and take the credit.

- The skills you have gathered will one day come in handy, assisting your family in writing you a halfway interesting obituary.

- It is much wiser to take advice than to give it... and find out you don't have a clue about how to solve life's problems.

- When you speak honestly and openly, others truly listen to you, then go out to the parking lot and laugh their asses off about your naïve sincerity.

- The hard times will begin to fade, joy will take their place… when the heart monitor flat lines and they pull the sheet over your head.