Friday, August 6, 2010

Political Porn, Courtesy Of Washington, D.C.

This picture is one of the dirtiest, most pornographic images I’ve ever seen. And it couldn’t be worse, were all three people in the photo standing there completely nude, while clapping and writhing to the passionate beat of Ravel’s, “Bolero.”

The man at the podium is foreign President, Felipe Calderone. He runs the Federal Republic of Mexico just south of our border. As a world leader, his resume is lackluster, at best. During his tenure, he’s accomplished almost nothing to significantly improve the lives of millions of impoverished Mexican citizens who, on his watch, continue to languish in quiet desperation.

His leadership is questionable as he presides over a regime that wreaks with fraud and abuse, and suffers from rampant corruption throughout its ranks. Besides that, his government lacks a social conscience about the plight of its poor, and is more willing to let them flee north to seek a better life, than to apply strong domestic leadership to keep them safe and satisfied in Mexico.

The record also shows that his nation is awash in violence that has overwhelmed not only his law enforcement community, but spilled over into this country, as well. And the sad statistics show there were almost 23,000 deaths in that country during the last three years, most the result of open warfare on Mexican streets by dangerous drug thugs.

So you see, Calderone “runs” lots of things, but none of them well. And, when he needs a break from all that hard “work,” he has the nerve to come to this country to lobby and blatantly run something else… his self-serving mouth. And the issue he’s blabbing about, mainly American immigration policy, is frankly none of his business.

To me, the most grotesque part of this whole charade, is not that he has the “cojones” to come here in the first place. After all, as Forrest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does.” My gripe is that American politicians invited him to address the U. S. Congress, then gave him many standing ovations as he did. They also allowed him to publicly bash not only our sovereign immigration laws, but kindred states like Arizona who are trying to enforce them because the Feds won‘t.

So how does a two-bit, foreign politician who has done nothing of substance to improve his country, get to stand behind the most prestigious podium in the world and preach to Americans about how to improve theirs? Simply put, through the direct efforts of the Washington pornographers in charge at the moment.

And what results when this happens, is not only what I call “political smut.” It becomes downright unadulterated horse manure, especially to those of us who don’t like being force fed non-solutions, by the very foreigners most responsible for the problem in the first place.

I mean, look at the photo. Nancy Pelosi is having an orgasm as she basks in the presence of someone she considers so “bright, famous, and politically macho.” And Vice President Biden’s expression tacitly endorses the whole spectacle, with a silent, “Right on, Brother Calderone! Tell it like it is, Hombre! Americans need to hear the truth from someone else besides our administration.”

And Calderone, with hand over heart… is of course saying, “Thank you, Dear Colleagues… I’m so honored to be invited here to offer advice on how to fix your country … and to be able to talk down to you and the American people as I would a child.”

As pornography goes, then, this travesty in the Congress ranks right up there with the worst anyone could find on the internet. And, when a country’s collective blood pressure hardly rises as its political leaders “rent” a foreign fox to lobby for plans to leave the hen house doors open, it’s a sign of the times.

Yes, the picture is not only perverted, but disgraceful. So, shame on you, Washington, D.C. Bringing in a Third World mercenary to share policy blueprints to make this country more like his, is a new low even for you. And I think it demands nothing less than an official apology… that is, to every honest, hard working American pornographer whose reputation your actions have sullied.


Anonymous said...

PERFECT! Couldn't have said it better. I didn't know this event occurred and am sharing this article with friends.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is very well said. I wish i could be as articulate about these issues myself. I do need to make a point not to read your blog at bedtime because it got me all fired up and now I can't sleep!