Monday, July 26, 2010

A Treat For My Diabetic Friends !

A few weeks ago, my wonderful, oldest daughter made me a "special" birthday cake that I didn’t need to wash down with a glass of insulin after eating. While not completely sugar or calorie-free, it was a delightful compromise for someone like myself who must be mindful of what I ingest on a daily basis.

Not to invoke sympathy, but those of you not suffering from the insidious disease called “diabetes,” don’t fully understand how tough it is to enjoy traditional eating habits, (especially if you’re Italian), with such a health “monkey” hanging on your back. I mean, who in his right mind would substitute a slab of tofu-heavy vegetable quiche, for even the smallest sliver of French apple, chocolate cream, or lemon meringue pie? Or which of you “healthy” types would rather chomp on a celery stalk than nibble on a chilled Snickers Bar, (or one of its close cousins)? Right…… you get what I mean!

Anyway, though you’ll probably not find many recipes on this Blog as a matter of course, I thought it a civilized gesture to share my daughter’s friend’s simple recipe, of a refreshing, more healthy alternative to the traditional birthday cake. Here are the ingredients and assembly instructions:

What you'll need...

- A box (or more if you want a larger cake) of “No Sugar Added" ice cream sandwiches.
- A container of “Sugar Free,” Cool Whip topping.
- A bag of “Sugar Free” mints

What to do with them...

1. Place a first layer of ice cream sandwiches on a tray or plate covered with waxed paper.
(Be sure to unwrap them first! :) Use as many as needed to meet the size requirements of your cake.
2. Frost the top of those sandwiches with a layer of Cool Whip.
3. Place a second layer of ice cream sandwiches on the first layer.
4. Frost the entire cake with Cool Whip, including the sides.
5. Add enough mints (or other sugar-free soft candy) so that there will be at least one on each
serving when the cake is cut.
6. Put the cake into the freezer until you‘re ready to serve it.

Pretty simple, eh? And you don’t have to be Chef Bo Friberg to pull it off. So, “bon appetit,” my diabetic friends. Keep fighting the good fight, no matter how hard it gets! And consider this recipe my present to you, whether it's your birthday or not!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is novel ~ a recipe included in your daily musing! Speaking for myself and a few friends, thank you. I must say you explained the reipe perfectly. I'm enjoying your views on everyday existence. As an Italian, I know what you mean about "our traditional eating habits." So much good food, goodbye to a waistline.