Monday, July 12, 2010

What The Heck Am I Doing Here?

I'm a very private person. I don't Twitter, socially network, or even answer the phone if I don't like how it rings. I hang up on survey takers, bar the door to Census snoops, and even take my garbage cans to the curb only when it's dark.

I'm retired, which means nobody has to see me unless I want them to. I come and go at my pleasure, with a level of visibility I alone determine. And, because my life is purposefully unexceptional, I can move with anonymity. It's like being an out-of-work spy.

There's nothing extraordinary about my intellect, so I have little to say that would profoundly change the lives of others, even were they to listen. I possess no special insights on human existence, other than a knowledge that people are more than capable of screwing things up for themselves without my help. If I'm asked an opinion, I'll usually say what's on my mind. If probed for advice, I respectfully defer to, "Dear Abby."

I was raised to be polite, but loathe today's "political correctness" which masquerades as good manners. I have little faith in a world where contrived labels make everything socially acceptable, and are too often used to discredit those who tell it like it is. I believe that things are simply what they are. I have seen myself in a full length mirror, and I'm SHORT, not vertically challenged!

I love words, but hate writing. It's a tedious craft... like trying to put together a huge puzzle that has no picture on its box. But I write anyway, even though when I'm finished there always seems to be something not exactly right. And, when I finally press the "publish" key, it's never a triumphant decree that I have created something exceptional, but a frustrated admission that I've finally given up trying... totally surrendered... no longer able to endure one second more at the keyboard.

So what in the heck am I doing starting a Blog? Actually, I'm not sure. Perhaps I'm just trying to fill a subconscious need to be heard. Maybe I just need a less embarrassing method of venting, than swearing at the television. Then again, perhaps it's just another one of those creative fads of mine, a seductive exercise for my mind destined only for extinction. We'll see......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thank . . . I think . . . I think it is a combination of many things . . . but largely a means of communication (even - perhaps especially - private people feel a natural and human need to communicate thoughts that are important to us - whether momentary irritations or long-term philosophies . . . and also creative gems inside you that insist on being born whether you like it or not . . . whatever it is, I am very glad you did start a blog!